The amount of sugar in the blood is what causes diabetes. Cycling, endurance sports par excellence, is an excellent therapy for this disease.
Diabetes is a metabolic disease that affects the metabolism of sugars, particularly glucose. There are two major forms: insulin-dependent diabetes or type a and non-insulin dependent or type two, which correspond, in general, the juvenile and the senile. The insulin-dependent diabetes, in fact, affects young people, while a non-worker tends to appear with the passing years. The sport activity, for this disease, it is particularly important, as it has a therapeutic effect, especially for the shape is not dependent.
The cycling, from this point of view, is no less. But the practice of a sport, in these cases must be handled with some caution, and it is therefore essential that the activity is scheduled according to the doctor and that you submit to periodic inspections. Diabetes is a disease that if not kept under control in the long run cause damage to major organs, which may contraindicate physical activity. But athletes with diabetes are many, even of a certain level, a demonstration of how this disease can be compatible, if it is kept carefully under control, even with the activity at a competitive level.
The blood glucose
The blood glucose is the amount of sugar in the blood and normally ranges from 70 mg / dl to 100 mg / dl. The values depend on the body's ability to check that this amount remains stable within the normal range. The control is effected through a hormone called insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, a gland that produces hormones and enzymes for digestion. Insulin acts to lower blood glucose levels rise when, for example, after eating, when the increase of blood glucose is normal.
The glucose product of digestion of dietary carbohydrate is absorbed in the intestine and ends with the consequent increase in blood glucose. Promptly, the pancreas makes insulin in the circulation, so your blood glucose return to normal. The postprandial blood glucose levels depends not only on the amount of sugar ingested, but also on the type of the latter. Increases even more if you take the so-called simple sugars, less if the sugars are complex carbohydrates, such as those derived from bread, pasta, rice, potatoes. Each food carbohydrate has a glycemic index: ie, for the same amount ingested, has a greater or lesser capacity to pick up the blood glucose levels.
What is diabetes
Diabetes is an alteration in the metabolism of glucose. The blood glucose, the amount of glucose in the blood, is a value which can vary only within certain limits. Values above or below the norm are a signal that something is not working properly. We should however take into account that it is not, however, a steady value, but oscillating. The oscillations depend on the glucose itself or, better, are in connection with the meal and the amount of sugar employed and the type of sugars. This is the reason why the control of blood glucose, to be reliable, absolutely must be in a fasting state.
In diabetes, the glucose values are higher than normal, more or less depending on the severity of the disease and, in part, of the type of diabetes. The increase of blood glucose has a different cause in the two different types of diabetes. In type one diabetes, insulin dependent, juvenile, the cause is an insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas. Clearly, in this case the only possible treatment is the administration of insulin, which shall where the pancreas fails. In the second type, insulin is produced by the pancreas, but fails to lower blood glucose levels. In this case use is made of other drugs, able to return the blood glucose levels normal. The non-insulin dependent diabetes is often associated with obesity.
How to find out
The insulin-dependent diabetes, usually occurs in young people under the age of thirty years, and often the disease begins at a young age. The main symptoms are: thirst, urination and subsequent dehydration to eliminate a lot of urine, produced in excess because of too much glucose, losing weight, despite eating regularly. This diabetes is dangerous because it can lead to coma, called "ketoacidosis", if not treated promptly. The non-insulin dependent diabetes is discovered, in general, with a control of the blood, where blood glucose is higher than the norm.
It speaks of diabetes when blood glucose, fasting is greater than 140 mg / dl. In other cases, when blood glucose is slightly less than 140 mg / dl, it is called glucose intolerance or prediabetic state. It is not always sufficient to examine only the fasting glucose. It can take more control of blood glucose as the glucose curve (a series of withdrawals throughout the day, with controls even after eating), or the curve of load. In the curve of load after a levy for fasting glucose, it makes the patient assume a specific amount of pure glucose and changes in blood glucose control in two hours. In diabetes will have, at the second hour, values higher than 200 mg / dl, and then, usually, the blood sugar returns to normal, while in other cases one speaks of glucose intolerance.
In juvenile diabetes the only effective treatment, in addition to the diet is insulin. In non-insulin dependent diabetes, the first approach is usually dietary, with the elimination of all simple sugars and complex carbohydrates is ingested in appropriate quantities. A possible overweight must of course be correct. If the diet is not enough, we appeal to specific drugs, the so-called oral hypoglycemic agents. Is essential to maintain blood glucose as close to normal as possible and avoid the rush. In the long term complications that may arise affecting the kidney, eye, nervous system. The treatment must be followed precisely and you should listen to the doctor. Periodic inspection, both of the blood that specialist, must always be made, as well as to control the diabetic disease, also to assess any secondary damage caused by it.
Athletic activities, especially cycling, is not contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes, but are contraindicated secondary damage that can cause disease. Cycling, as is regular exercise, resistance is therefore recommended for diabetics because it helps to control the disease. In juvenile diabetes reduces the daily requirement of insulin and in the shape helps to reduce blood sugar in addition to promoting weight loss. The activity, however, should be done under medical supervision, especially in the case of juvenile diabetes: a dose of insulin, for example, could cause an excessive drop in blood glucose during exercise.
It is always advisable, who suffers from juvenile diabetes, to have with them the sugar is quickly absorbed, taken when the blood sugar falls too. As for the other form is not excessive drops occur. Or, rather, the lowering, the so-called crisis of hunger, can happen, as everybody does, when the intensity and duration of the activity involving an energy expenditure greater than the total energy reserves without adequate intake of calories.
The strategies include, therefore, controlled diet and physical activity. The power supply must provide all the proteins, minerals and vitamins necessary, contain little fat, only vegetable origin, and carbohydrates in adequate amounts. In addition to the amount of carbohydrate employed, it is important to the type and distribution of meals during the day. I've always preferred small but frequent meals
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