Foods help regulate blood sugar

Foods help regulate blood sugar. To keep blood sugar under control is important to follow a healthy balanced diet. If you are concerned that the level of blood sugar is irregular and your diet foods that tend to rise too quickly they do it is advisable to eat foods that regulate glucose. Here are the top foods that can be useful because the irregularities of the sugars in our body affects the mental level, and can make us feel tired, irritable or dizzy.

Oatmeal: it is known as a powerful regulator of blood sugar. Although oatmeal is a carbohydrate, according to experts is a good one. To digest the oatmeal it takes time and therefore are ideal for controlling blood sugar levels.

Barley: often replaces the coffee at breakfast, is rich in valuable ingredients, and is another food that you could combine your oats. In this way you will have a double positive effect on your body.

Broccoli and spinach are useful to those suffering from blood sugar irregularities. Unlike starchy vegetables, which have high GI values​​, these vegetables keep the body balanced. These plants are ideal for those who already suffer from diabetes and is shown to contribute to help those on a regular sugar.

Salmon and lean meats: are another great food to be included in the diet. The salmon is not only a great source of omega-3 and omega-6, but can also help reduce the peaks and dips of the sugars. Even a supplement of fish oil quality may be a solution.

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